Greenwich’s next big development: Morden Wharf – 2,000 homes & 40-storey towers
Developer U&I have submitted initial ideas for developing Morden Wharf on Greenwich Peninsula. What the early plan reveals is a scheme for 2000 homes and towers up to 40-storeys.
The plans are a long time coming; the site was purchased almost six years ago in March 2012.

The site is just north of the planned cruise liner terminal at Enderby Wharf where a 31-storey tower was approved in 2015.
As an early part of the planning process, whereby the developer seeks clarification from a local authority on whether an Environmental Impact Assessment will be needed, no images of Mordan Wharf are included. However, expect images in the public domain soon alongside consultations now the ball is rolling.
2000 homes on the site add to 15,720 homes from Knight Dragon plus thousands more at various plots across the Peninsula.
The planning reference is 17/4009/EIA
Will be interesting as Go Ahead have just moved into a new bus garage there and spent a bit of money, where will they go now?
RBG planners, whatever are agreed, please put stipulations in place that the Thames Footpath is the first part of this development to be completed and that the Thames footpath remains open at all times or a temporary footpath is constructed so that when using the footpath you can see the River Thames. The Thames footpath is our open space, so please keep it open. You need not to be reminded that MAY 2018 is not that far away!
Yes. There’s barely been a period in the past 7 years when a part of the pathway between Greenwich Maritime and North Greenwich has been closed off, it’s ridiculous. Does anyone know when the current closure will be over?
No – but I hope to find out in the next few weeks. Enderby Group has met various bodies and I hope to follow up on this in the New Year. It will be closed a lot more while the path is brought up to what are considered to be proper standards with a cycle lane and so on. I could go on for hours about the traditional path and what Ian Nairn said about prettification and various other things. But I never intended to keep commenting here – and this is No.4. I need to shut up
I know the garage premises are on a 10 year lease. The site on which the garage is based is owned by a charity who are not allowed to make a profit on the land.
Surely Go ahead would know it would be build on, as this is 6 years in the making.
Glad to see this finally happening. Area a bit polluted to me to live but hopefully would make a nicer place to go for a walk than now.
They got it cheaply as they got it from a charity who can’t make a profit. They have spent quite a lot of money on it making a very large maintenance workshop. They had to spend a lot making it functional as when they arrived, the building wasn’t secure and the ramp was made of wood! Go Ahead only own half the land, the other half being owned by TfL for DIal A Ride. I’m imagining that is on a 10 year contract as well. Go Ahead are however trying to procure the land from TfL.
There have been a lot of things about this site which make it a bit unusual. It needs to be kept an eye on and that eye also needs to be on the gasholder site.
An update as to what is actually happening with the cruise terminal would be helpful. The London City Cruise Port website is the same as it was shortly after the conclusion of the judicial review:
It was up for sale I believe. The constant delays raise questions of whether it’ll happen anytime soon
Cruise terminal – there are a lot of rumours around. One is that they are looking for another site. but who knows. Enderby Group keeps its eye on any activity but could easily miss something. Raise it every time we meet Borough or developer.
City Cruise Port CEO has the following on her LinkedIn profile (
“Responsibility for overseeing the delivery of this exciting project which will provide a new cruise terminal in the heart of London. Close to Greenwich, the facility will be fully operational for 2020.”
That’s quite a delay
You see – they are bound to want to put a new planning application in of some sort – even if its only minor details – they always do. If and when they do all hell will be let loose in East Greenwich – and they must know that. One of the problems with all this is that there were effectively no objections to the original planning application and originally a different developer who buttered up the community groups. Next time would be different. So what are they going to do?? As for Kate’s Linked In – well, she would say that, wouldn’t she?
I ought also to add here that this site also includes a safeguarded wharf – as does, of course, Delta where the golf course is now.
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